Spill the beans with Scott

May 7, 2020

You are invited to join NZHIT CEO, Scott Arrol, and others on Thursday morning over coffee (or cup of tea) for a chat about topics of interest or of concern to you. You can come armed with your own particular subject or join into the discussion during the chat.

There is so much happening currently, and at a very fast pace, so this is an opportunity to sit back over morning tea, "chew the fat" and spend time with your colleagues and peers from the sector to talk about areas of interest.

It's also an opportunity to make sure Scott is aware of any particular concerns where NZHIT can be of assistance.

When: Thursday 7th MAY, 10.00am to 11.00am (stay for the whole hour or for as long as you're able during this time period)

How: Simply email Anna at [email protected] with "spill the beans" in the subject line and she'll send you the invite details.

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