Scale-Up New Zealand is set to speed up innovation and the growth of innovative businesses in Aoteoroa New Zealand.

First posted by Callaghan Innovation

Would you like your business to network better with funders, incubators, accelerators, multinationals and other businesses, both in NZ and overseas?
In April 2019 Callaghan Innovation will launch Scale-Up New Zealand, a free online platform that will showcase NZ’s vibrant innovation ecosystem to the world.

What is Scale-Up NZ?

Created from a model that is hugely successful overseas, Scale-Up NZ will make it faster and easier for ambitious businesses to find and connect with the people, capital and other help they need to innovate and grow, here and offshore. It will also create opportunities for investors and multinationals to connect with innovative NZ businesses.

To read the full article please click on the this link



Posted by

Anna Arrol

Administration Assistant

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